BRAVE CF Announces Return To South America
BRAVE Combat Federation is making its much-anticipated return to South America as it announces an upcoming event in Goiânia, Brazil this July in association with a new hosting partner, Liliane Mesquita Producao. Organization officials have confirmed that BRAVE CF will be landing in Goiânia on July 30th, however, it has not been confirmed whether other events will be taking place prior to that. The Bahrain-based promotion ventured into Brazil for its promotional debut in 2017. Brazil was the first country to host a BRAVE CF event outside of its headquarters making BRAVE CF 3 in Curitiba, Brazil the first international destination for the fastest-growing promotion in the world. After a successful debut, BRAVE CF returned to Curitiba a few months later for its eighth edition. BRAVE CF returned to Brazil for a third time in March of 2018 as the promotion ventured into Belo Horizonte with another title doubleheader. BRAVE Combat Federation has hosted 58 events in 26 countries in less than six years across five continents, with the latest edition taking place in Incheon, South Korea last April. Despite the uncertainty of the upcoming few months for the global promotion, officials have confirmed that 2022 is going to be an unprecedented year for BRAVE CF as it welcomes the new age of mixed martial arts.