BJJ Fanatics donate $25k fund to help jiu-jitsu schools


2020 has undoubtedly been the craziest year with everything that has gone on with Covid 19 and the constant lockdowns which has a massive impact on jiu-jitsu.

Bernardo Faria and the rest of the BJJ Fanatics team have donated $25000 and started the BJJ Fanatics fund to help jiu jitsu school owners in 2021.

Bernardo says:

“To make sure our Jiu Jitsu community starts 2021 in the right way, we are starting a BJJ Fanatics Fund and donating $25,000 ourselves to help the BJJ schools. We spent a lot of time thinking how we could help the schools that are getting closed everyday and after seeing the success of the initiative of Barstool (@barstoolsports & @stoolpresidente) creating a fund for small businesses, we decided to do the same to help the BJJ schools, and If you’re a BJJ school that is struggling to make ends meet we want to hear from you. Tell us your story, what do you need the money for, how much you need to get through the next month. What can we do to make sure you stay in business until this pandemic is over? And if you are in the other end, and would like to support our fund, please let us know too… We clearly won’t be able to help everyone, but again, we’re going to start with $25k of our own money and see what happens/how many people we can help.
In a few days we’ll be sharing the exact details on how you can reach out and also where you can go to donate if you’d like to join the cause.
This past year has sucked, no question. But let’s start off 2021 trying our best to save some BJJ schools and just doing what we can do.
Osss guys talk to you soon and happy new year everyone!”

This is a fantastic thing that Bernardo and the rest of the BJJ Fanatics team are doing so if you are a gym owner needing help or looking to offer support in any way them contact the team at BJJ Fanatics on the link below.

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