
MMA UK Interview: Alex Enlund

Cage Warriors Prospect - Alex Enlund
Cage Warriors Prospect – Alex Enlund

Alex Enlund is a Cage Warrior with an impressive 10-2 record. None of his fights have gone the distance and he has finished 9 of his wins via submission and 1 via KO. Alex is a young and very talented fighter who specialises in the grappling aspects of the fight game. 9 of his 10 wins have been within the first round.

MMA UK’s Geoffro recently did an interview with him and got some answers that will help you get to know this inspirational young warrior better.

Geoff Stratton (GS) – Hi Alex, thanks for the taking the time out your busy schedule to answer some questions for us and for your fans. Firstly, where do you come from? where do you train geographically and what team do you fight out of?
Alex Enlund (AE) – Born and raised in South Shields, I fight out of NEVT and Itaipava Jiu Jitsu

GS – How did you first get into MMA?
AE – Working at a bar and one of the door supervisors ran a gym and he talked me into it I really didn’t have a clue what I was getting myself into.

GS – What did your family think of you becoming a professional mixed martial artist?
AE – My mam died when I was 15 and my dad doesn’t really care much. I do get a lot of support from my older brother and sister. My nana thinks I’m crazy.

GS – Who is your biggest supporter in your family?
AE – My oldest brother always comes to my fights when he can, he is really supportive of me.

GS- Who inspires you when you fight, what is the image or person that motivates you the most?
AE – I always think about what would my mam think of what i am doing and I’m pretty sure she would be proud of me. I’m also inspired by the guys I coach, the people who train with me and anyone else on the same path as I am.

GS- Did you have any fights as an amateur? If so what was your record?
AE – I had a complete amateur record of 3-1-1 before going pro I lost my last amateur fight and took time off and trained a lot harder moving to a team of young Pro fighters.

GS-What is your martial arts background?
AE – I trained MMA initially and then found ways to study each art individually working with coaches in various disciplines. I like to think I am a complete Mixed Martial Artist with highly effective Jiu Jitsu for MMA.

GS- What is your favourite technique to watch out for? 
AE – Looking at my record it’s pretty obvious I like a RNC, it’s complete dominance when your fighting and beating someone by having their back.

GS -What is your average weight when off season, how much do you cut to fight? (Featherweight 145lbs/65kg approx)
AE – I have been in the past as heavy as 81kg.

GS – Where do you see yourself as a fighter in 5 years?
AE – I see myself being 100% improved as the martial artist I am today. Winning fights and entertaining arenas of thousands.

GS – Where do you see the CW as a promotion in 5 years?
AE– The sky is the limit for cage warriors. It’s already streaming world wide and think it’s possible that it becomes televised regular with big events available on PPV

GS- What would winning the CW Belt mean to you?
AE – The world, becoming a world champion would be the perfect prize for my pursuit of martial arts. No doubt when that day comes you will see a emotional Alex Enlund with a few happy tears.

GS- What would be your next goal if you were to win the CW title?
AE – To defend it 3 times and get to keep my belt, something my children and grandchildren in years to come could look at and be proud of me for.

GS – What victory in your career meant the most to you and why?
AE – Winning at CWFC58 in Grozny, I was coming off a loss and really needed to win. My opponent was very dangerous but I grew up in that fight I enjoyed it, became stronger mentally and my technique was proficient nothing was rushed. I lived in the moment completely.

GS – Is there anything that you would like to say to your friends, fans and family?
AE – really appreciate the amount of support and love I am shown by all those close to me, especially my partner Melissa who really takes care of me.

GS – Thank you Alex for your time, and we look forward to seeing you back in action soon. Us at MMA UK have been fans of Alex’s for a long time and it’s time people take note of this dangerous future star of the national and international MMA scene.

You can read more about Alex on his Facebook page.

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