Star in the Making


BAMMA’S three trips to Ireland have paved the way for a new generation of Irish talent to take MMA to new heights. In today’s episode of Across The Pond, you will meet a aggressive leg lock specialist looking to become BAMMA’S next big star. A professional since July 2016 and reprrs-iiesenting SBG Ireland in Dublin, 25 year old Richie Smullen owns a 2-0 record with both of his victories coming via way of submission..

In his MMA debut at Shinobi War 8, Richie submitted Jay Moogan via heel hook in the second round. Then at BAMMA 26 in Dublin, Smullen submitted Andrew Murphy via heel hook in the first round. BAMMA has a star in the making with this budding Featherweight!

Attached video-

Smullen v Moogan Shinobi War 8-


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