MTK MMA announce signing of Muay Thai champ


MTK has announced another signing to its MMA offshoot MTK MMA.

Three-time Muay Thai champion of the world, Charlie “The Boy” Peters (17-11-6) is the latest fighter to sign up with the management company.

Peters is regarded one of the UK’s best Muay Thai fighters, winning the 2017 Fighter of the Year award, to go along with his three world titles.

Peters has competed in some of the most prestigious Muay Thai events such as Lion Fight Muay Thai in North America, the Wu Lin Feng championships in China and the Muay Thai Grand Prix in the UK.

“I am absolutely delighted to have joined MTK MMA. I am a huge fan of the sport and I am now training harder than ever as I am looking to make a serious statement on the MMA scene. I could not have dreamed of a better management team to have behind me,” Peters said to the MTK Global website.

MTK MMA Head of Operations, Kieran Keddle shares the same sentiment:
“It is a pleasure to have signed Charlie Peters and have him onboard at MTK MMACharlie epitomises what the very word “fighter” means based on his lifestyle and attitude to training. He is a serious talent and a future MMA star in the making.”

MTK Global CEO, Sandra Vaughan further supports the recent signing of Peters:
I am very glad to welcome Charlie to our MTK MMA stable of fighters. As we venture into MMA, we need fighters like him to bring the brand forward and I am confident he has the skills to win titles.”

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