
Across The Pond profile UK Fighting Championships fighter Aaran Oliphant

A Oliphant


Many of today’s leading MMA gyms have remained successful even when change comes knocking at the door because they all strive towards a single goal with a defined purpose. In today’s episode ofAcross The Pond,you will be introduced to the latest surgeon of Scottish steel primed for operation in UK Fighting Championships. An Amateur mixed martial artist since April 2022 and representingHigher Level Martial ArtsunderJames Doolan, Aaran Oliphantholds a 4-1 record in five outings comprised of two decisions, one submission and one knockout. He has fought for several promotions throughout his career in the Amateur ranks including BMF and Caestus MMA. Oliphant has spent his whole Amateur career in the United Kingdom. Both of his finishes during his Amateur career have come inside the distance. Oliphant has gone to the scorecards twice over the course of his Amateur career, sweeping them across the board on both occasions. Each of his decision victories during his career as an Amateur mixed martial artist have resulted in a unanimous verdict.

At BMF MMA 6, he facedLouie McEvoyand submitted him in the second round to secure his first and only submission victory as an Amateur. Oliphant defeatedSeth Milneat Caestus MMA 1 via unanimous decision. Then at BMF MMA 8, he defeatedKyle McCullochvia unanimous decision to score his second decision win as an Amateur.

At BMF Scotland, he defeatedSacha Dejeantyin the first round. The victory earned Oliphant the second decision win of his Amateur career. He also picked up his fourth win inside the Amateur ranks in the process. deceptively well rounded and having one of the leading men in all of European MMA to guide him along the Amateur path, Oliphant’s laser sharp MMA skill tree has opponents perilously close to the block of defeat by a fraction of a knife’s sharp end point!