Statement from David Galbraith of SOMMA and New Life Gym
David Galbraith of SOMMA and New Life Gym, has released a statement regarding the formation of a new regulatory body for MMA in Scotland.
It is no secret that I am all for the formation of a regulatory body within Scotland. We have been working hard over the last 12 months to help build one and I can now confirm I am currently in the process of bringing this to fruition with the help of IMMAF. We have already secured the help of certain public figures within the MMA community, some of which are passionate enough about the cause to sit on the board from England. I will be making a separate announcement regarding this. In the mean time I would like to take this as an opportunity to extend an invite to anyone who would be interested in getting behind this cause to contact me.
David Galbraith
No politics and histories aside – this isn’t about any one individual, this has to be about the future of all fighters/participants and the sport itself.
I don’t have all the answers, this is very much uncharted territory for Scotland but I do believe that if the community pulls together find solutions it will benefit everyone. Please feel free to open up a discussion about this, lets listen to each other’s ideas, concerns and objections with the common goal of finding a solution to raise the standards of quality and safety of MMA in Scotland. Thanks for taking the time to listen.
Many Thanks
David ‘formerly The Dehydrated Gladiator’ Galbraith
If you are a gym owner or run an MMA promotion in Scotland and would like more information you can contact David on the Facebook links below.