Brave Combat Federation President speaks with MMA UK


MMA UK recently caught up with Brave Combat Federation President Mohammed Shahid. He discusses the upcoming Brave event in India and what the future holds.

MMAUK: Brave have an event in Mumbai, India this weekend, is India an area you are keen to tap into? 

Do you feel there is a big market there?

MS: India is definitely a market we want to tap into. They have always been big with sports and are having a lot of sports leagues set up. MMA has been growing in India rapidly and we are definitely looking into making India a real MMA market.

Where you have passion for MMA and vision to develop sport is always a great market. The question will be if can provide enough value to the country and the sports industry. I believe that is what the foundation of our company is based on.

MMAUK: Brave has been in Brazil recently and your next destination is Kazakhstan.

Are there any other places you are looking to put events on? Are you looking to bring the promotion to the UK?

MS: I have an eye on every country in the globe lol. But seriously I would like to go to every country where they have the sport of MMA being respected and followed and athletes who want to fight under the spot light we want to target them.

Yes UK will also be a part of that list I mentioned above for sure.

MMAUK: How are you enjoying your role as president of Brave?

MS: Being the president of Brave CF is great for me since it just reflects to what my passion and love is and what I as a fighter and a fan once upon a time would have wished MMA promotions should be doing.

MMAUK: How big do you feel Brave can become?

MS: BRAVECF can become as big as any other (in the) sport. Our goal is to make sure MMA becomes a sport for the world and not for what the promotion thinks is best for their profit. As long as we have those core values the growth is limitless. Truly global promotion . This is the vision of his highness Sheikh Khaled Bin Hamad.

MMAUK: Thanks for taking time out your busy schedule during fight week to talk to us.

MS: Thank you for reaching out. Appreciate it. Keep up the great work you do to bring awareness to the people on MMA. 1 family.