There have been several instances on Dana White’s Tuesday Night Contender Series where a fighter needs to come back for a second time in order to gain a contract with the UFC. In today’s episode of Across The Pond,you will meet a two-time DWTNCS alum whose vast wealth of experience and no quit mentality makes him a dangerous dealer of destruction for the UFC at 125 pounds.
A professional since March 2012 and representingLuttrell-Yee MMA, Jordan Espinosaowns a 13-5-1 record in 18 career bouts as a professional comprised of seven submissions, four decisions two knockouts and one no contest. Espinosa scored a contract with the UFC on week four of season two of Dana White’s Tuesday Night Contender Series in 2018. He also appeared on week seven of season one of the show in 2017. In his MMA debut at Golden Locus Productions Fostoria Fight Night, he submittedJoshua Killionin the first round via brabo choke. Espinosa also tapped outDavid Vigilin round one. Then at XFC 25 Boiling Point, he submittedTim Sosavia north-south choke in the first round. Espinosa defeatedRobert Browningvia submission in round one. He defeated his next three opponents that saw wins overJordan MoralesandJeremy Pender.Espinosa defeatedJohn Dirhamvia TKO in the second round at New League Fights The Takeover. He also defeated Brett Rollervia unanimous decision. At GKO 9, Espinosa tapped outBobby Escalantein round one via brabo choke.
In his first appearance on Dana White’s Tuesday Night Contender Series at DWTNCS 7, he submitted LFA veteranNick Ursoin the first round via anaconda choke. Espinosa also defeated fellow DWTNCS season one alumCj Hamiltonvia split decision. For his second outing on Dana White’s Tuesday Night Contender Series at DWTNCS 4, he defeatedRiley Dutrovia TKO in round three to win his fourth fight in a row and secured a contract with the UFC in the process. With a considerable wealth of technique and experience on his side, this seasoned veteran is ready to lay down the law and show the flyweight division who’s boss!
Jordan’s third round TKO victory at DWTNCS 4 over Riley Dutro