Cage Warriors in Scotland Montage II (Cage Warriors 53)


On April 13th,2013, Cage Warriors made it’s return to Scotland with a Featherweight tCage-Warriors-53-posteritle clash and four future UFC stars Jim Alers, Mats Nilsson, Neil Seery, and Joanne Calderwood. so sit back, pull up a chair, and enjoy the fights. Cheers guys!

1. Connor V Laurence-

2. N’ Doye V Edgeworth-

3. Pennington V Doolan-

4. Ball V Cooledge-

5. Seery v Marin-

6. Nilsson V Scott-

7. Calderwood V ”Slick” Co Main Event-

8. Alers V Salovarra Main event-

9. Cage Warriors 53 Promo-


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