
Temecula Twister



Season 23 of The Ultimate Fighter saw the UFC bolster the Straweight division with a fresh influx of talented female fighters. In today’s episode ofAcross The Pond,you will meet a fighter fayrom that season who is set to make her UFC debut at UFC Albany on December 9. A professional since February 2014 and representingTeam Quest,29 year oldAshley Yoderowns a 5-1 record in six career
bouts consisting of four submissions and one decision.

In her MMA debut, Ashley submittedCatalina Madrilvia armbar in the first round. She also submittedMisha Nassirivia armbar in round one. Then Ashley defeatedLiz Tracyvia split decision. Yoder submittedAngela Danzigvia armbar in the first round. In 2016, Ashley was selected to be a part of TUF 23. To get into the house she defeatedJodie Esquibelvia split decision and was the third female selection of team Joanna. At Invicta FC 20, Ashley faced Amber Brownand submitted her via armbar in the second round. She will now faceJustine Kish at UFN 102 on December 9. Good luck Ashley!

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