Dana White lets rip at ‘scumbag’ Bjorn Rebney’s involvement in fighters association


Former Bellator MMA CEO/founder Bjorn Rebney’s involvement in the new fighters association MMAAA certainly raised a few eyebrows now Dana White has offered his opinion.

It’s reported Rebney’s position is more of an advisory role without any real power in the association but White feels the fact his name is involved taints the entire association.

Dana called up the “UFC Unfilteredpodcast to let rip.

“I don’t know enough about it to really speak on it. The only thing I need to know is the biggest scumbag in the history of combat sports Bjork (Bjorn Rebney) is involved in this thing. Listen, there’s three unions out there now all battling against each other and if you’re a fighter these guys are all looking to get in your pocket.”

“It’s a business where guys are going to make money and as a fighter if this is what you want to do, you’ve got to figure out who’s hand you want in your pocket and I guarantee you don’t want Bjork’s hand in your pocket.”

At the press conference for the MMAAA, Rebney claimed that the UFC only pays athletes 8 percent of the total revenue earned which he wanted to increase to a 50 percent split.

This led White to blast back, ” The one thing I do know that came out of this thing, is that this scumbag, who knows nothing about our business, he says, ‘yeah, they only pay eight percent of the revenue.’ I hope you’re talking about Conor McGregor. OK? We’re paying eight percent of the revenue, you must mean Conor McGregor, right Bjork, you stupid mother*cker.”

He then laughed at claims that Rebney was more generous as a promoter.”He’s saying ‘when i was a promoter, I paid 53 percent of the revenue’. Cause there was no F****** revenue. Yeah, you’re paying 53 percent! There was no revenue! If that’s the way we’re going to gauge this back in the old days, then I was paying 250 percent of the F****** revenue. What a F****** piece of s*** this guy is.”

He continued “Listen if you’re going to have a guy in your pocket and you’re a fighter, you might want to go out and ask some other fighters what their opinion is of this F****** scumbag!”

White said he didn’t have an issue with fighters forming associations however he did take issue with Donald ‘Cowboy’ Cerrone.

“Not at all, at the end of the day, here’s the reality, the fighters can go out and do whatever they want to do.” he then said “I’m a little shocked that Cowboy Cerrone didn’t give me a call. If you’re that unhappy or whatever. Let me tell you this, too. First of all, he’s only headlined like three fights, right? Fight Nights. He’s headlined three fights in his career, never held a title in the WEC, never held a title in the UFC, right? And a couple of years ago, he was on his boat, he gets in a beef with a guy in another boat. He’s in big trouble. Who does he call? He calls me. What do I do? I go out and find him the best criminal defence lawyer and I spent over $100,000 of my own money! So when I see Cowboy standing up there, it’s like really? Alright.”

Look’s like we could be at the start of a war of words between White and the MMMAA.


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