Richard Dickson fights for the Headhunters Fighting Championship Flyweight title on June 3rd against Kam Cheng.
Cheng defeated Dickson last time out, this time Dickson is looking to right that result.
MMAUK: You are set to fight Kam Cheng at Headhunters Fighting Championship on June 3rd. You lost your last fight against Cheng, how important was it for you to get an immediate rematch?
RD: At first all I could think about was redeeming the loss but when I found out Kam was no longer wanting to fight me I came to terms with moving on to another fight pretty quickly. Then Alex Sneddon contacted Dean to say the fight was back on. I am happy to get the rematch but it’s no longer a huge issue for me.
MMAUK: What did you learn from the loss?
RD: I learned never to trust any judges, regardless of their experience. Experience doesn’t correlate to quality. I also realised that fighting so close together (I fought 3 weeks prior) and cutting water each time isn’t something I should do again.
MMAUK: Do you think it could help in making you a better fighter?
RD: Any fight makes you a better fighter. I come away from all my wins with things to work on and this fight was exactly the same.
MMAUK: Will there be more pressure due to this being for the flyweight title?
RD: I don’t really feel pressure when fighting. I get nerves etc but I don’t feel pressure. I nearly finished the fight last time and I know the changes I need to make to finish it now.
MMAUK: What are you expecting from Cheng in this fight?
RD: The same as last time. Overhand rights and inside leg kicks.
MMAUK: What do you hope to achieve within mma, are you looking to turn pro soon?
RD: I am trying to go as far as possible. Everyone aims to the UFC but wherever the best and biggest fights are in the future that’s where I want to be. I’ll hopefully turn pro after around 10 fights at amateur, so possibly the end of 2018, beginning of 2019 – it’s down to my performances and how my coach Dean feels.
MMAUK: Do you have a message for Cheng or anyone that is going to the show?
RD: All I have to say is expect the best version of me you’ve ever seen. Every time I fight I get faster and stronger and this is no exception. Expect fast and unpredictable striking.