
Kerry Stellar of In The Girls Corner interview with Christian Medina

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This is Kerry Stellar from In The Girls Corner, I got to speak with Christian Medina about his career as an amateur MMA fighter, to having his first professional fight.

Kerry Stellar: Congratulations Christian, on a very impressive career, and having your first pro fight with Dead Serious MMA, and thank you for taking the time out to speak to me. When did start your Martial Arts career, what style did you start with, and why?

Christian Medina: I started my martial arts career when I was thirteen years old. I got into wrestling is a middle school and I continued in high school, where I also started training Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, at fifteen years old. I chose these arts because I wanted to join the military. When I read into it I knew they didn’t have the best hand to hand combat. The best was Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I quickly realise how effective these odds were at when I was fifteen or sixteen years old, 125 pounds, submitting grown men while sparing in my gym, usually against bigger teammates. Like most kids UFC, Bellator and World Series of fighting were dreams of mine. I was always told I couldn’t do it by people I thought my friends, when I was younger. That dream became a reality when I entered my first amateur MMA fight, five days after my 18th birthday( Nov 30, 2013), with my twin brother, Brandon Medina. I loved it! Martial arts have changed my life forever.

Kerry Stellar: How has the transition been from being an amateur fighter to going pro?

Christian Medina: The transition between amateur and professional is definitely mindset. Everyone at this point loves what they do and they have a reason to fight now, whether it’s money, fame, or even to put food on the table. There will always be a reason. I love it and now it’s time to make some money.IMG 1746

Kerry Stellar: What inspires you to be able to fight at the level that you do?

Christian Medina: My inspiration is definitely my family and my team the BXpitbulls. I love every one of them, because if it wasn’t for my team and my school I wouldn’t have ever reach this level. I want to be One of the best MMA fighter’s in the world. I always looked up to George St. Pierre. Well what MMA fighter hasn’t? He is the most technical, humble and hard-working fighter there is my opinion. I will continue my path of hard work and staying humble along the way, while always strengthening my technique. Another person I look up to as my main instructor Tito Hartz. I strive to be like him. He has always believed in me from when I was in knuckle head to now. He pushes me day in and day out. One day I will be in the UFC and I will open my own MMA Academy and farm future MMA stars, like myself.

Kerry Stellar: Now that you had your first professional fight, and it didn’t go as planned, where do you see yourself taking your Mixed Martial Arts career in the future?

Christian Medina: I learned a lot from my first professional MMA Bout on dead serious pro 1. I fought a game opponent who is seasoned. It didn’t go the way I wanted but it’s always a learning experience. I see myself still reaching the top and fighting people like Demetrious Johnson and Henry Cejudo. That’s my goal, to fight the best. That’s the only true way to test yourself. Win or lose only a select few fight in the cage and even a smaller group of those guys reach a professional level. I am here now and I’m going to make a mark.

KS: Is there any people you want to thank or give a special message to?IMG 1745 E1495115807141

Christian Medina: I want to give a special thanks to Tito Hartz, my main instructor, first and foremost. You could take you to push me in the roof the top because of you. Next is Maywatte Hartz, my yoga instructor. You always bring me back to the point I need to be. When I teach or train you’re always being a mom to me and I love it. Next is my Academy, a.k.a. home, “ECUBJJ & MMA BRONX”. I love every one of you guys, always supporting me in every conversation I do and every fight. Less but never least, my teammates theBXPITBULLS. You guys are just as crazy as I am! You guys always have my back and always prepare me for war.

FIND CHRISTIAN ON INSTAGRAM @christian_giantkiller_medina