
Interview with Edwin ‘CHI CHI’ Solis ahead of his ACC 17 Flyweight Title Fight

Edwin Solis


Hey everyone Kerry Stellar from In The Girls Corner. I got to speak with Edwin ‘CHI CHI’Solis, #15 ranked Flyweight in Mixed Martial Arts in NY in the Flyweight division. Edwin has a record of 2-1-0 and is looking to add another win, and capture the ACC Flyweight title against Danny Maldonado at Aggressive Combat Championships 17.Getting to see Edwin’s last fight, I can’t wait to see what he brings to this fight, humble and exciting Edwin is one to watch.

KSWhen did you start practicing Mixed Martial Arts, and what style did you begin with?

ESI started training when I was 19 years old. I started training everything right off the bat. Had no background in any martial arts before the Jungle Gym.

KSWhen did you realise you wanted to become an MMA fighter?

ESOne week after training I realised that I wanted to be a fighter, I told myself I’m going to go for it and make it happen.

KS How important where athletics while you were growing up, did you play any other sports?

ESI was always played sports as a kid. I’ve always been very competitive from a young age. I love to compete.

KSWhat and or who inspires you to be able to train and fight at this level?

ESMy family and the Jungle Gym Tribe inspire me to be better everyday.

KSYou train at the Jungle Gym, tell me about your coaches, and training there…

ESTraining at the Jungle Gym is amazing. I get to train with Pro fighters, Black Belts just some really high level guys. I believe I have the best coach in the game Justin “Master ChimGarcia there is no one I would rather have in my corner. I’ve been with the same team since one day and I find great confidence in that.

KSWith a few fights already under your belt, what if anything differed in this fighting camp?

ESNothing really I know what I have to do to get ready. I focus on myself and making sure I’m 100% prepared for battle. It’s you against yourself.

KSWhere do you see yourself with your fight career in five years?

ESAt the top of the game.

KSWhat can everyone expect out of Edwin ‘CHI CHI”’Solis in this fight?

ESThey can expect a violent Edwin Solis who is going to finish this fight.

KSThis is your time to thank anyone you want to, sponsors, coaches, teammates, family and friends…

ESI want to thank to whole Jungle Gym Tribe. I’m grateful to be apart of this team. I look forward to proving all the people who believe in me right.

Thank you so much for taking this time to speak with me, I look forward to seeing your title fight November 11 2017 at the Westchester County Center.

You can find Edwin on Facebook at Edwin Solis, and Instagram at @monchichi125, give him a follow to see when and where Edwin fights next.