Review of Conor McGregor: Notorious documentary


Notorious the documentary/film about the rise and life of Conor McGregor was released earlier this week on DVD and Blu Ray.

The film starts at the end of the 3rd round of the rematch with Nate Diaz and concludes with little snippets from the build up to the Floyd Mayweather extravaganza.

We get taken on a journey from the early struggles as a fledgling mixed martial artist right through to the superstar he is today.

McGregor started from humble beginnings, struggling to even buy basic equipment, and when you remember McGregor only made his UFC debut in 2013, his meteoric rise is simply sensational.

A good portion of the 90 odd minutes of footage is given to the build up to the fight with Chad Mendes. José Aldo of course withdrew only a few weeks out, Mendes replacing him.

We get insight in to the ACL injury McGregor suffered in training, lesser men, maybe more sensible men, would have pulled out also.

I was pleasantly surprised McGregor’s wealth wasn’t pushed too much or rammed down our throats, something which Floyd Mayweather does which is a turn off to many.

As Ricky Hatton said about Mayweather, we all know he’s got money he doesn’t have to keep telling us, McGregor is guilty of this also at times.

Even though I felt the early part of his post UFC career was only touched on, the dedication and hours he put in to get where he is today is obvious.

Now McGregor has reached the summit I wonder the hours he puts in the gym now outside of camp, compared to what he did previously.

The Eddie Alvarez fight, maybe his career peak, only gets a brief mention, surprisingly due to history making of the event, the UFC finally reaching New York and McGregor being the first two-time simultaneous Champion in UFC history.

Overall the documentary is excellent, ideally I would have liked it to be a little longer with more Alvarez coverage, and certainly earlier career/life footage including his early UFC fights, which get very little screen time.

Also, clearly mistakes were made in camp leading up to the first Diaz fight, personally I would like to have to have seen that covered in detail.

As for the future I do worry if we have seen the best of McGregor inside a UFC cage. I have major concerns the success and money which has come his way, has robbed him of his dedication and focus you need to stay at the top of his sport

McGregor is the biggest star MMA has ever seen, and we are unlikely to see his kind again. Sadly as with many others of a similar status, I fear the story will be shorter than it should be, at least from the MMA side of things.