2x Cadet World Champion
2x Russian National Champion Name: Abdulrashid Sadulaev
3x European Champion Age: 09/05/1996 (22 Years Old)
3x World Champion Record: 105-2
1x Olympic Champion
Every generation has that one athlete that shatters what we believe to be possible. For wrestling there has been many greats: Dan Gable, Aleksandr Karelin, Buvaisar Satiev, Cael Sanderson, Aleksandr Medved and many more. Now the USA usually plays the role of the hero, so they often like to believe that they produce the best athletes, and from this era they would like to try and convince the public that the great wrestler of this era is the young US phenom and Olympic Champion Kyle Snyder. This would be inaccurate, the title not only deserves to go to Abdulrashid Sadulaev but it must go to him, in the rivalry of Sadulaev Vs. Snyder there has been two meeting, once when Snyder met the unbeatable Dagestani and came out as the winner in a 6-5 points lead, ending the 74 match win streak of Sadulaev, in the rematch though, Sadulaev pinned Snyder in just over a minute.
Sadulaev only started wrestling in 2009 and by 2013 he was the World Cadet champion, one year later and he had won the World championship. Simply put the man has accomplished so much that it is frightening. Russia produces the best wrestlers in the World and he hasn’t just conquered a nation but he had also conquered the World, starting at only the age of 17. Now many people believe that he is already the greatest wrestler of all time, however this is difficult to determine as Soviet wrestler Aleksandr Karelin has set the pedestal so high that it might never be reached again, with a record of 887-2 throughout his life, Sadulaev would need to win his next 782 matches in a row just to match the record of Karelin, not only that but Karelin went 8 years without losing a single point in competition.
2x Junior World Champion
2x Russian National Champion Name: Aleksandr Karelin
12x European Champion Age: 32 years old at time of retirement 9x World Champion Record: 887-2
3x Olympic Champion
2x World Cup Champion
Abdulrashid Sadulaev is the great wrestler of this generation, it’s undisputable, is he the best wrestler ever? Time will tell, however as of right now, nobody has came even remotely close to Aleksandr Karelin and unlikely ever will. The freestyle great of today is truly a legend already, can he claim the throne that the Greco-Roman great of yesterday has held ever size his Olympic and World dominance?
Time Will Tell