Groves beats Eubank Jr on points


Groves wins by unanimous decision.

Al Bernstein told me a year ago Chris Eubank Jr is good but not as good as he or his father thinks he is, tonight we saw that.

I had it a little closer than most, 116-112 might be about right, 115-113 was not that far off the mark although most would say it was much wider, but however you score it, Groves won.

Much like the Billy Joe Saunders fight a slow early start cost Eubank Jr, but more so, his lack of technique cost him.

For the majority of the fight Groves controlled the range, Eubank Jr stood off far too much, when he got close he smothered his own work, missing widely at times.

Eubank Jr doesn’t have a big punch, so over coming his early points deficit never seemed likely. The much talked about flashy combinations are fine on the pads, but against a moving target, you need more.

Instead of setting his work up, Eubank Jr was wild, his balance again let him down at times, he was countered all night long.

The lack of a jab or failure to use it was again evident, Eubank Jr seems to lack the basic boxing schooling at this level.

Eubank Jr would be better served being honest about his skills and admit I am lacking something, I need to change, I need to listen, will he, I seriously doubt it, his own arrogance won’t allow it.

Eubank Jr thinks he knows best, he doesn’t.

As I said in previous articles I think he would be better dropping back down to middleweight, he’s too small for super middleweight.

Eubank Jr is incredibly brave, possess one hell of a chin, and all is not lost, but two times now he has come up short, in similar circumstances, the flaws are obvious.

George Groves was excellent, he knew what he had to do, and he did it. Groves never let Eubank Jr get off, even when Eubank Jr got close, he bobbed and weaved on the ropes and avoided most of the wild swings.

The work-rate of Eubank Jr made it a little closer than most had it, but nobody can deny that Groves deserved the verdict.

The judges had it:

Howard Foster 117 – 112
Stephen Gray 116 – 112
Malcolm MacDonell 115 – 113

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