UFC Hall of Famer Don Frye on trying to get cops to shoot him, health and divorce.


UFC Hall of Famer Don Frye on trying to get cops to shoot him, health and divorce.

UFC Hall of Famer Don Frye has been talking about his recent health problems and even wanting police to shoot him.

“I walked around for a year and a half, two years, with two broken titanium rods in my back,” Frye said, speaking on UFC Unfiltered. “I knew I was hurting, I hurt terribly and I [was living] so miserably and was in so much pain.”

While he was getting treatment for his back he developed a brain haemorrhage.

“They were broke in half, they were stabbing me in the back. One of the surgeries was three hours long for them just to clean up the scar tissue on the insides from the rods stabbing me in the back and scraping and all that.

“The first surgery was to replace them, and then I was out for three days. Then, I had a brain haemorrhage [so they] put in me into a coma. Then I was in ICU in a coma in ICU for three weeks, while they fucked with that, and I got pneumonia, and I got a spinal infection. Would have killed a normal man, but just a bad weekend for ‘The Donger’.”

As if his health problems weren’t enough he had to go through a divorce and lost his horse he had for 24 years. This led to him hitting rock bottom and he tried to get cops to shoot him.

“It changed my whole outlook,” he said. “I’m ready to go, I was ready to go before [now]. The divorce fucked me up so much, I lost everything, I tried getting the cops to shoot me two or three times. God bless them — good ole’ boys — they were fans, they knew who I was. They didn’t pull the trigger when they could have.”

He is slowly making progress however he revealed he is homeless at moment. However after giving up drink and all that he has been through he has a new outlook on life.

“I’m homeless right now,” Frye said. “So I don’t have a girlfriend, don’t have a job, don’t have a family and I got half my healthy back. So I’m halfway to one. … [I’m living] in my truck — well, as far as the ex-wife knows. Other than that, she’ll be asking for money, you know.”

“Nothing ruins my day anymore,” Frye said. “Life is short, life is a gift, and it’s over in a blink of an eye so appreciate it.”

You can listen to the UFC Unfiltered episode below.

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