
Nate Diaz’s coach alleges McGregor substance use

Conor McGregor is just over a week away from potentially the biggest combat sports fight in history.

However he will have to contend with an allegation thrown at him from Nate Diaz‘s boxing coach, Richard Perez.

Perez alleges that McGregor used some sort of substance when he faced Diaz. He also doesn’t give McGregor any chance against Mayweather.

Perez said the following on BJ Penn Radio:

“No, he doesn’t have a punchers chance, and he gasses out. I don’t care how hard he trains. They’ve got to watch out for him, because he’s probably going to take the substance that he did when he [fought] with Nathan, that woke him up. I know they’re taking tests, but they’ve got to be careful with that because he will do it. There’s no way he’s going to do this without taking any substances, and be strong in boxing, because boxing is a lot of stamina.”

“When you think about it, a guy at 145 moving up to 170 the first time, he bulked up in muscle, that’s not going to happen. You’re going to have some fat in you cause you’re short. You’re not going to be all muscle like that. I even said, when Nathan first fought him, when they called him, I said, ‘look, he’s got to be on some kind of steroids or substance.’”

“And when Nathan asked, he got really upset about it. If it had been me, I would have been laughing about it. I would have been like ‘yeah steroids, yeah, yeah,’ but he was really mad, he was angry. So that speaks for itself right there. Mayweather and them really need to have that guy checked.”

“After the last fight, I read it, it’s not steroids, it’s something that bulks you up, I forget what it’s called. It’s illegal, still you can’t use it in the UFC, even in boxing you can’t use it. So I guess now that’s why they’re both being tested every week. I’m not sure how true that is.”

“Oh yeah, they even said it to me afterwards, it was awhile after the fight, that they did find him taking some substance. But they didn’t do anything to him. It was after the fight, probably a couple months after the fight, they brought it up about him. The last fight, it was the last fight that Nathan fought him.”

McGregor has always spoken out strongly against drug cheats within MMA so these allegations would appear to be a bit outlandish.



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  14. Didn’t Nick and Nate often change weights too? Does that mean they’re “taking some sort of substance?”

    Perez is talking out his arse

  15. “Conor McGregor is just over a week away from potentially the biggest combat sports fight in history.” Stop please…. ???

  16. He’s not black. He’s white, Irish, a Christian, self made, independent, speaks his mind and a family man. To the media he represents everything that’s wrong with society.

  17. Richard Perez you are Fkn Piss weak !
    Just because you can’t train a fighter to be a champion you condemn those that are more skilled, and train harder!
    Saying shit like this has only exposed you as the piece of shit you are, and you need to be king hit !

  18. If Nate’s the G he says he is, he’ll slap his coach for being a punk. That’s a really bad look from a camp of dudes “keeping it real homey”.

    1. Dana would do everything he could to cover it up. Hed lose millions of fans, respect, and McGregor would no longer be put on his precious pedestal. If this were true, all hell would beak loose.

  19. Braindead idiot.. Just like Nate, may weather and his father, Lucky they all fight because nobody would understand a word from their dumb ass mouths

    1. Actually when we voted at site the award was yours 100% unanimous decision I thought they were a bit hash but Jiff said your a champion

  20. basically he is pissed his boy got beat and have no excuse as they had a full training camp so of couse this is their fact less excuse! what a bunch of shit spouters!

  21. Nate won’t fight anyone else, will gladly waste his prime years waiting around. Nate earned like $40k/$40k per fight before Mcgregor so he has no choice but to piggy back off mcgegor for the rest of his career. Even if that means making stuff up to stay in the headlines. Nate is an awesome fighter but McGregor is his sugar daddy.

  22. Essentially he’s saying “Please please don’t forget about Nate Diaz, I know he doesn’t want to fight but please don’t forget him, I’ll spout any BS to get his name out but please please don’t forget him”.

  23. It’s a substance, but we don’t know what it is. It builds muscle, it’s illegal, but it’s not a steroid.

    I can’t prove anything I say, but you’ll print my comments anyway.

    1. Im just saying it’s ironic to blast someone for substance use and still accept the use of his own fighters. I dont reckon it matters if its roids or weed or any other type of drug. It is however illegal to use in the world of fighting.

    1. O i got u ya it’s always something the judges fucked them over the guy they fought was on roids there’s always some soart of ridiculous exuse that there moron fans run with

  24. Yes the camp found using steroids with multiple fighters says Conor is on something I trust this about as much as the source.

    1. They are all being banned for CBE use nick and Nate CBE is an extract of pot used for extreme pain modification it is a type of steroid.

    2. No cbd is an inhalent cbe is injested. But both are used for extreme pain tolerence and even proven to stop siezures. And yes Nick was chopped for 5 years for it while silva was axed for 1 year for peds. It is a real thing in mma brah.

    3. It is how it is used that classifies it as a performance enhancment. It is under the same classification. It is just not hormone based.


      any of a large class of organic compounds with a characteristic molecular structure containing four rings of carbon atoms. They include many hormones, alkaloids, and vitamins.

    4. Dude. Just stop. Nick tested positive for marijuana and CBD is not an inhalant. It comes in many forms. CBE isn’t a real thing lol

    5. CBE is a marijuana metabolite. It’s not a product. There’s no oils or anything else. It’s a cannibinoid found in marijuana. You’re a full blown moron.

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