UFC and Donald Trump, not just a headline


Combatant in Chief is something every fan of Mixed Martial Arts should watch, a story of a friendship and loyalty between president Donald Trump and UFC‘s Dana White.

As a fan of combat sports for a very long time, I remember watching videos of boxing in casinos, some in Las Vegas, and some in New Jersey.

Trump Taj Mahal was where some of the best boxing cards took place.

At a time when there was a low in numbers at his casino, president Donald Trump was looking to have something fresh and more importantly something big.

Fast forward a few years and there was a new kid in the casino, and that kid was UFC.

After the Fertitta brothers bought the UFC  in January 2001, Dana White became the president of the UFC and they were struggling to find a venue to host their events.

When the UFC first started they were the combat event where there was “no rules”, there were some rules, but not what they are today.

Also, very few places wanted to host what they considered a barbaric sport in their nice venues.

When the Fertitta brothers took over the UFC along with president Dana White, they employed regulation, to make it a safer sport.

Not only did it make the sport safer, but it also legitimized mixed martial arts.

Donald Trump is no stranger to the world of combat sports, love him or hate him, his impact has been one of importance in Mixed Martial Arts.

In 2013 Trump was inducted into the New Jersey Mixed Martial Arts Hall of Fame, as a visionary.

Trump’s roll in boxing, and his belief that MMA would also be big.

He gave the UFC a chance no one else would.

He saw what Lorenzo Fertitta, Frank Fertitta and Dana White saw.

Already having built a relationship with virtually everyone in the boxing world including a special relationship with Mike Tyson.

Donald Trump was on a collision course with the UFC.

Trump was looking to host a new combat sporting event at the Trump Taj Mahal.

He already knew about the UFC and had already hosted the UFC at the Trump Taj Mahal, but this was a new UFC.

Donald Trump was never one to shy away from a tough project and was not afraid of this controversial sport.

Adding Dana White to this equation, who is equally intense, goes after what he thinks will work, you have an epic matchup.

The UFC has held many fight cards in Atlantic City, but the most significant would be their return to Trump Taj Mahal.

UFC 29 Defense of the Belts, was a massive event that sold out.

This fight card had some of the greats and some still fight today.

It was a special night for the UFCand Donald Trump, who was there to watch with the First Lady, and his business associates.

Two more events followed, UFC 30 Locked and Loaded May 4 2001, held at Trump Taj Mahal, and with the help of Trump, UFC 31 was held at the Continental Airlines Arena, in New Jersey.

These landmark events are what helped put the UFC on the path to greatness, and it has continued to evolve.

When Donald Trump made his run president official, he contacted Dana White, to speak at the Republican National Convention.

White accepted, and spoke about he and Trumps relationship from the UFC humble beginnings.

Surely Dana White received some bad press for doing it and we know Donald Trump isn’t a stranger to all kinds of press.

This is what makes their friendship work, they are not afraid to do and say what people might not like.
They’re both fighters, both successful businessmen, and their friendship is one to watch.

“When someone challenges you, fight back. Be brutal, be tough”.

“Good press, bad press. Press is press”.

Donald Trump @POTUS

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