NYSAC Pulls Calvillo vs Gonzalez UFC 210 over breast implants rule.


SAC Pulls Calvillo vs Gonzalez UFC 210 over breast implants rule.
UFC 210 Buffalo is off to a rocky start to say the least. With Daniel DC Cormier missing weight, to making it just in time. The main card women’s Strawweight bout featuring Cynthia Calvillo vs Pearl Gonzalez, got pulled by the New York State Athletic Commission due to Pearls implants.
As per the New York State Athletic Commissions rules which are available to look at, no boxer ( fighter ) is allowed to fight with breast implants in New York. There are reasons, to which I personally think are a little off, considering I haven’t heard of a ruptured implant from a combat sport, though that doesn’t mean it can’t , and hasn’t happened.
The other issue here is that back not too long ago, in New York at Madison Square Garden November 16 2016. A very voluptuous, Meisha “CUPCAKE” Tate took on Raquel ” ROCKY ” Pennington who Tate once coached on The Ultimate Fighter 18, she ultimately lost via unanimous decision to Pennington.
So my question is why now, why a day before their fight does it get scratched?
Both of these women worked hard through training camps, and media obligations, to scrap the fight like that on a days notice, is bizarre.
Knowing that rule was in place, and not having enforced it before raises some serious questions from the Mixed Martial Arts community, fans, and the press. Questions that will absolutely be answered in the days to come, as it is very strange the way the NYSAC went about this.
As with all complaints and concerns, something has to happen in order to make a change, maybe this situation with Pearl Gonzalez will be a catalyst for a change in ruling with breast implants in combat sports.
A little history on how things change, and how fast…
Breast implants have been around a lot longer than I have, starting and I’m shocked in the 19th century, becoming what they are today over history.
There are many different types of implants, ways of doing the procedure, and placement.
No matter the kind, silicon, saline, structured saline, or the newest in implants, gummy bears. Yes you read it right, gummy bears, which are like you would guess, a gummy.
I can’t imagine, with how far breast implants have come, and how advanced the technology is, that you can be up and out the next day yet can’t be in a fight. Oh that is right it’s happened, in almost every other state, and country countless female fighters have fought with their implants unscathed.
For now we can all wonder what would have been of his exciting Strawweight matchup between Cynthia Calvillo and Pearl Gonzalez. I for one hope they reschedule it as soon as possible in a state that doesn’t have a bizarre rule they’ve had no problems breaking until now.
So what gives here?
Why now?
I’m sure we will have answers from Dana White very very soon.

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